Wednesday, August 31, 2005

ok go

i'm going to see OK GO tonight at the Crocodile. *sweet*.

Check out their hot dance video.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

me, bill & maya - 5w337!

On Friday MSN had a 10 year anniversary party...and Bill Gates spoke about the last 10 years and the next. He was great -- so nerdy cool and enthusiastic.

Afterwards, I grabbed maya and said: "We have to get a picture with Bill!" She said, "but I'm shy..." and I said, "this is no time for shyness!" and we went over and asked him if we could get a picture together. We introduced ourselves and a co-worker snapped the picture. Bill was great - and I think the picture turned out pretty well too.

Monday, August 29, 2005

celebrity blogs: worth a read

eonline has an article on celebrity blogs (because you know, everyone and their dog blogs now...) the article is pretty amusing - esp if you like pop culture / celebrities. I particularly like the format:
- his / her space - which is a link to their blog, interesting that they call it a space...
- his / her thing - what they blog about
- why you must read it - synopsis of the juicy bits
- why you might hate yourself after - how reading this blog will make you think about things you never ever wished you were exposed to, you know the really juicy bits that you'll love to hate.
- quote - an actual snippet from their blog.

Celebrities covered: Pam Anderson, Rosie O'Donnell, Barbara, Tom Green, Bruce Willis etc.

the only thing that would have made this article better? a nice little orange RSS box so you could subscribe to each blog. :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

heard via my sis...

Ezra Sun Wallace (2-1/2 years old) while in the kitchen with his mama...
"Oh look, a spider mommy! Where'd it's website go?

Friday, August 12, 2005

going on vacation

i'm off to Echo Lake which is near Lake Tahoe for a family reunion that will involve a lot of rest, kayaking and curry. I can't wait. This is my third summer going to echo and i know exactly what to expect: sunshine, cool water, beautiful hikes and really mangy people coming off of the Muir Trail as they hike along destination wilderness.

Good times to all!