Sunday, May 16, 2004

real people. real progress.

This Tuesday, NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is asking us, YOU, to wear your AIDS ribbon upside down in honor of HIV Vaccine Awareness day. *this is important* -- important enough that my friend Mark is in the campaign above.

Listen to what NIAD says:

"More than 12,000 people have already volunteered for HIV vaccine studies. Currently, more than 20 promising HIV vaccines are in various stages of testing. A large-scale HIV vaccine trial, however, will require thousands more participants of all races and ethnicities, genders and socioeconomic backgrounds, to ensure that the vaccine is effective in all groups but especially those most affected. Real progress requires we work to break down stigma and dispel the myths about HIV vaccine research. Developing an HIV vaccine depends upon individuals informing and supporting each other and promoting a vision of the world without HIV/AIDS. "

There are 20 promising vaccines out there, we need to move this ahead as fast as we can -- people are dying, countries of people are being devastated. This is not ok.

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